13 Oct 2013 - YouTube Music Downloader 7.1.1 : YouTube Music Downloader is a handy tool for all sorts of music lovers that want to download a song they heard on a internet site so they can listen to it anytime they want.

YouTube Music Downloader is a effective and simple to use software that aids you download music videos and save them on your laptop in MP3, AVI, WMV, MOV, MP4 and 3GP formats.
YouTube Music Downloader 7.1.1 Download
YouTube Music Downloader 7.1.1 makes it possible for you to download music from YouTube and then listen to it on your Computer, iPod, MP3 player, PSP and a variety of other transportable devices.
Computer software Informations:
Developer: YoutubeMusicSoft
License: Updater / Price: $
Size: four.52 MB 
OS:  Windows 2K / XP / Vista / 7
Date Published: October 13th, 2013
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Direct Download YouTube Music Downloader Setup Cost-free 
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